Registration as Flue cured Virginia Tobacco Grower and Barn Operator

(Rule 33, 33-A and 33-B of Tobacco Board Rules, 1976)

 According to Section 10(1) No person shall grow FCV tobacco without obtaining a certificate from the Board.

 No person shall construct and operate a barn for curing of Virginia tobacco unless he obtains a license from the Board in accordance with the Section 11B(ii) of the Act and the rules 34 N of Tobacco Board there under (Refer to page no.76 of Tobacco Board Act, Rules and Regulations).

 The nature of holdings of the growers of Virginia tobacco may be owned or leased.


 Every year, the renewal / grant of registration is accorded to FCV tobacco growers on filing of their applications in prescribed statutory forms physically at the concerned auction platforms in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. 

  • As part of minimizing the compliance burden to FCV tobacco growers, the Online option facility was mad on 09.06.2021 for renewal of registration and for filing returns by the registered growers as follows:

 Registration / License:

  1. Renewal of grower registration
  2. Registration of Nursery Grower
  3. License for barn construction

 Filing of Returns:

 Form – II Returns

  1. Form – III Returns
  2. Form – 7 Returns (Nursery Grower)
  3. Form – 8 Returns (Nursery Grower)


  • Renewal of registration / Registration as growers of Virginia tobacco will be granted to all the eligible applicants on the spot by endorsing particulars of registration i.e., area authorized, quota per barn in the Tobacco Growers Pass Book (TGPB) for current crop season.
  • The applications of growers who are ineligible for registration / renewal of registration as per criteria for registration will be refused for registration within 7 days of filing of applications informing the specific reasons for refusal of registration.

 Fees payable 


  • As per the Ruels 33 (4) (for registration as a grower of virginia tobacco) of Tobacco Board (Amendment) Rules,1988 the Fee payable is Rs.1/- per 0.40 ha. (1 acre) and with corresponding increase of the Fee with increase in area. 
  • License fees for barn operator is Rs.10/- per barn.  The license fee shall be proportionately collected depending on his/her share in the barn.